ways to help you sleep better

Effective Ways to Help You Sleep Better

Getting quality sleep is key for our health and mind. But many of us don’t get the 7-9 hours we need each night. I am not a person who functions well on no sleep.  It always amazed me how some people manage without good quality sleep.  Having three kids you would think I’d learn to manage not sleeping.  Nope, not me, never could deal with it.  My eyes burn, my head aches, I feel like I’m fighting a cold.  I’d walk through work like a zombie barely able to function.  The good news is that we can change this by creating healthy sleep habits.

We’ll look at ways to sleep better, like setting a regular sleep schedule. We’ll also talk about making your bedroom a sleep haven and using natural sleep aids. By using these tips, you can sleep better and wake up feeling great.

Establish a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Keeping a regular sleep schedule is key to better sleep. Start by setting a bedtime routine and wake-up time. Stick to it every day, even on weekends. This helps your body’s clock, or circadian rhythm, stay healthy.  Not only is this habit benificial to you but to your whole family.

Think of kids having a set bedtime everynight.  We used to hate it.  I know I did.  My parents would yell “8 O O time for bed” and i’d start to complain.  I once saw a meme  “No one has more stuff on their to-do list than a kid who’s just been told it’s bedtime”  So true.  But not anymore.  An 8pm bedtime sounds like heaven to most of us adults. Just like our parents knew how importatnt sleep was for our health.  The same applies to us as adults.

Go to Bed and Wake Up at the Same Time

Don’t sleep in on weekends. It can cause sleep debt and mess up your sleep cycle during the week. A consistent sleep schedule helps your body sleep and wake up better.  This was a hard one for me.  I always looked forward to sleeping in on the weekend.  Now that i’m in the habit of a regular wakeup time.  I get it .  My body does not struggle to get out of bed anymore.  I barely need my alarm clock.  It is a big change.  I never thought I would be a morning person.  Now I look forward to my morning walks.  I have more energy and my body actully feels more relaxed durng the day.

Avoid Sleep Debt on Weekends

Keep your bedtime routine and wake-up time the same every day, including weekends. Sleeping too much on weekends can mess up your circadian rhythm. It makes it hard to sleep and wake up during the week. Try to keep your sleep schedule regular for better sleep.

Consistent Sleep Schedule Inconsistent Sleep Schedule
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Regulated circadian rhythm
  • Easier to fall asleep and wake up
  • Disrupted sleep cycle
  • Increased sleep debt
  • Difficulty falling asleep and waking up

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” – Mike Murdock

Create a Sleep-Promoting Environment

To get better sleep, make your bedroom a sleep haven. Focus on three things: temperature, lighting, and noise. This way, your bedroom becomes a calm place for your body to relax and sleep.

Keep Your Bedroom Cool, Dark, and Quiet

They say Keeping your bedroom cool is key for better sleep. It should be between 65°F and 70°F. This coolness tells your body it’s time to sleep.  My husband and I battle with this one.  What I think is cofortabe he thins is the Arctic.  (sound familiar ladies).  We compromise I get my temperture he gets to sleep with 4 blankets.

Light from devices can mess with your sleep hormone, melatonin. Make your room dark with blackout curtains or an eye mask. This helps you sleep faster and better.  I need pitch black.  Even the slightes light can mess with my sleep.  If I don”t have a sleep mask I will use a pillow over my head to block out any light.

Noise can also wake you up. Use earplugs, a white noise machine, or other devices to block out sounds. This keeps your sleep quiet and peaceful. Noise is is a no-no for me too.  I could never fall asleep with a t.v. or radio on.  Even the hum of a fan could make me twitch.  Picky I know.  But the struggle is real.

sleep environment

“The environment in which you sleep can have a significant impact on the quality of your rest.”

By adjusting your bedroom’s temperature, light, and noise, you make it better for sleep. You’ll fall asleep quicker, sleep longer, and wake up feeling great.  Everyone is differnt. I know people who need light to sleep. Some of my friends listen to podcasts or news while they sleep. Try different ways and see what works for you.  The only right or wrong here is what works for you and what doesn’t.  Sleep is an extreme factor in our overall health.  So think outside the box if you a have to and make it work for you.

Adopt Healthy Daytime Habits

Our daily routines and activities affect our sleep quality. Healthy habits during the day help us sleep better. The rest of this post will talk about some proven facts that have worked to help aid in better sleep.  Not everyone is the same so remember these are thing to try but not always a cure.

Get Regular Exercise

Regular physical activity helps us sleep better. It releases endorphins that reduce stress and help us sleep. But, don’t exercise too close to bedtime. It can keep you awake. I like to run.  As I get older it has become more about what my body needs to feel good more then to look good.  I run now more for a better night sleep.  It relaxes me both mentally and physically.

Manage Stress Through Relaxation Techniques

Managing stress is key for good sleep. Stress can make us feel tired and restless. Relaxation techniques like meditation and deep breathing help us relax.

Healthy habits during the day improve our sleep. Physical activity and stress management help us sleep well. They also make us feel better during the day.

Limit Exposure to Sleep Disruptors

We all need good sleep. But, our daily lives have things that can mess with our sleep. Caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine are big troublemakers. They can make it hard to sleep well at night.

Let’s explore how these common enemies affect our sleep:

  • Caffeine – It’s in coffee, tea, and some sodas. It keeps our minds awake, making it hard to sleep.
  • Alcohol – It might make us feel sleepy at first. But, it messes with our sleep, making it poor quality.
  • Nicotine – It’s in smoking and vaping. It wakes up our brain and body, making sleep hard.

By cutting down on these sleep disruptors, we can sleep better. It might take some changes, but it’s worth it for good sleep.  I can not eat before going to bed.  I’m in bed by 9:30pm wich means I will sometimes eat a snack at 7ish.  If I’m even hungrey most nights not.  I have read, and it does work for me, going to bed slightly hungry does help you sleep better.

“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.” – Thomas Dekker

So, let’s try to have less caffeine, alcohol,  nicotine, and food before bed. Our bodies and minds will be happier for it.

sleep disruptors

Develop a Calming Bedtime Routine

Creating a soothing bedtime ritual tells your body it’s time to relax. It helps you get ready for good sleep. By doing calming things and avoiding things that disrupt sleep, we make a place for restful sleep.

Engage in Relaxing Activities Before Bed

Don’t scroll on your phone or watch TV late at night. Instead, do calming things before bed. Reading, taking a warm bath, or doing gentle stretches or meditation can relax you. These relaxation techniques are great for getting ready for bed.

Avoid Electronics and Bright Lights

It’s important to stay away from electronics and bright lights before bed. Devices like phones and computers can make it hard to fall asleep. Make your bedroom a place without tech to help you relax and get ready for sleep. Let’s be honest most of us keep our phones right on the nightstand. I definitly do.  Its my alarm clock just in case. I do however keep it on the opposite corner face down and on silent.

bedtime routine

“The key to a good night’s sleep is to create a relaxing bedtime routine that signals to your body it’s time to wind down and get ready for sleep.”

Explore Natural Sleep Aids

We all want better sleep. Some natural sleep aids can help. Melatonin is a hormone that helps us sleep.

Melatonin can help us fall asleep quicker. It also makes our sleep last longer. Other supplements like valerian, chamomile, and glycine also help us sleep.  I tried Melatonin and it did not work for me.  I felt like I was sleeping with a weighted blanket.  It was a nice feeling but my brain was still going at full speed.  Not for me. Some people love it.  See what works for you but do it safley.

We should always talk to a doctor before trying new supplements. They can affect everyone differently. They might also mix badly with some medicines.

“Incorporating natural sleep aids can be a valuable addition to our overall sleep hygiene routine, but it’s crucial to do so under the guidance of a medical professional.”

Looking into natural sleep aids can help us sleep better. But, we must be careful and listen to our doctors. This way, we get the best results for our health.

natural sleep aids

Seek Professional Help if Needed

If you keep having trouble sleeping, even after trying different things, it’s time to get help. Sleep problems can mean you have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea or insomnia. A doctor or sleep specialist can help you figure out what’s going on.

A sleep expert can do a full check-up to find out why you’re not sleeping well. They might do sleep studies to understand your sleep better. They will make a plan just for you to help you sleep better.

Getting the right help is very important. A sleep specialist can find and fix the problems keeping you awake. They will help you get the sleep your body and mind need.  Sleep is very important so I hope this post helps you on your journey to a better night sleep.  If you’d like to share I’d love to hear more ideas.


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